About us

'Founding Fathers'

We started our collaboration in 2019 through a design thinking workshop. Through out the years that followed we designed the challenge for the Communication and Multimedia students in a design battle. 

In October 2021 students of the Hanzehogeschool and the University from Algebra competed in the first challenge with two teams each.. 

Now, in 2023 we have invited Hochshule der Medien, Stuttgard to participate with two teams, so we are growing towards our mission: “Showing talents around the world”.


Nicolette Wever (Hanze), Sinisa Bogdanovic (Algebra), Harro Leupen (Hanze)

“ICDC invites universities to kindle the creativity and unconventional thinking of young minds while making the world a better place. All of this especially for the benefit of all students, of which we know that they will find a profession in a more and more cross-cultural international oriented work field.” 

"Showing talents all around the world"